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来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2020-03-13 17:35




Section 1 

TOEFL Independent Writing Questions mainly fall into TWO categories, each of which has its own characteristics.

Type 1: Analysis of Facts (事实分析题)


Analysis of the veracity or feasibility/practicality/ likelihood/probability/possibility of sth. In other words, these questions are based on your analysis of the degree to which something can reasonably be expected to happen or to be true.)

For example,

1. Sports teach us lessons about life. (Is it possible that sports can teach us lessons about life?)

2. It is impossible to always be completely honest with your friends. (Is it impossible to always be completely honest with your friends?)

3. Do you agree that people easily learn from friends beside them? (How likely that people will learn from friends around them?)


Type 2: Value Judgement 价值判断题


A judgement on the rightness or wrongness of something; a judgement on the usefulness or uselessness of sth; a judgement on the benefits or drawbacks of sth; a judgement on the advantages or disadvantages of sth; a judgement on the positives or negatives of sth; a judgement on the pros and cons of sth

For example,

1. People should be open to new ideas and change their minds to be successful.

2. High school students should take at least one year to work or travel before they go to universities.

3. In times of economic crisis, in which field do you think the government can cut financial support? 

(1) Arts 

(2) Scientific research 

Parks and public gardens


Section 2 

Each type contains several MINOR CATEGORIES:

For example, type 1 contains two minor categories, including 1) Analysis of the difference between the past and the present; 2)Analysis without restrictions on time

(1) 今昔对比题

A. It’s easier for parents to raise their children 50 years ago.

B. It is easier to become educated today than it was in the past.

(2) 无时间限制的事实分析题

A. The competition between friends always has a negative effect on their relationship.

B. Your job has more effect on your happiness than your living environment.


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