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郑州新航道 > SAT > SAT作文考试满分例文


来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2019-12-28 15:02


虽然目前SAT的写作并不是大家在SAT考试中最关注的项目,但是有不少申请文科的同学还是非常清楚写作在体现自己整体能力上的重要性。绝大多数的孩子在次考试的时候的分数是5-6分之间徘徊,很多都是5/4/5 或者是6/4/5 之类的分数,好一些的同学可能是7/5/6这样类似的分数。家长和孩子们所关心的就是到底什么才是8的分数。今天我们就来讲一讲sat满分作文技巧。


SAT写作中对于Analysis的满分要求是:insightful analysis of the source text and sophisticated understanding of the analytical task。考生都知道insightful与sophisticated的汉语意思:“具有洞察力的”、“久经世故的”。可即使是翻译成了汉语,你能够明白其真正的含义么?

举个例子(原谅我以Let there be dark为例,因为大家都很熟,也减少了各位考官重新阅读一篇文章的压力)。

It doesn’t have to be this way. Light pollution is readily within our ability to solve, using new lighting technologies and shielding existing lights. Already, many cities and towns across North America and Europe are changing to LED streetlights, which offer dramatic possibilities for controlling wasted light. Other communities are finding success with simply turning off portions of their public lighting after midnight. Even Paris, the famed “city of light,” which already turns off its monument lighting after 1 a.m., will this summer start to require its shops, offices and public buildings to turn off lights after 2 a.m. Though primarily designed to save energy, such reductions in light will also go far in addressing light pollution. But we will never truly address the problem of light pollution until we become aware of the irreplaceable value and beauty of the darkness we are losing.

The last paragraph of Let there be dark  很多同学都会把这一段理解为examples (typical fact) 。


这样的分析,没有错,但肯定得不到高分。原因就是缺乏insightful analysis与sophisticated understanding。

如果大家对老师上课讲过的写作手法的概念非常清楚的话,那么就不难发现“Paris, the famed ‘city of light,’ ”本质是就是allusion to modern history。而最后一句话But we will never truly address the problem of light pollution until we become aware of the irreplaceable value and beauty of the darkness we are losing. 本质上是irony (situational irony)。

如果大家可以按照这样的思路去分析文章,那么insightful and sophisticated就可以达到了。

通过这个例子,我们大致上对insightful and sophisticated有了了解:insightful意味着你对文章的理解不是表面的,而是实质性的,要透过现象看到本质且能够体现出你对于文化甚至是社会和世界更加富有经验的思考(一般的考生只会看到example这个层次,而你却看到了allusion和irony)。


说的“应试”一点:如果你想分析作者使用的三个写作手法,那么最少要有一个,是两个rhetorical devices。  



【责任编辑】:郑州新航道小编 版权所有:转载请注明出处

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